Friday, November 9, 2012

Concepting- Week 1

These are week 1 concepts and the finalized design of our main mushroom character for CapTown, our mushroom-ception environment node if you will, where the characters and environment are one as we have mushrooms living within mushrooms and eating mushrooms.

Let me bring you up to speed; Our city of CapTown has been invaded by mold and slime, and Psilo the Mushroom God has been run out of his palace and the innocent CapTown mushrooms are slowly turning corrupted into a crabby creature. The player must detect and clean up the slime and mold to return CapTown to a happy place and some incentive will result.

We are showing the corruption of character from design to color, as the innocent mushroom sprouts more and more legs and transforms from a happy orange into magenta into an "adolescent" and semi-corrupted gangly mushroom, to a dark teal purple and green crabby creature. However, our first node is where the player discovers the corruption, so we will only be finalizing the Orange mushroom because most of the node will be "uncorrupted". At this point we also want to create a pet for the node, will be posting some concepts and a map soon.

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