Sunday, March 10, 2013

Screenies- second round

we definitely need to fix our lighting. And finish some of the textures.

first Screenshot set and Paintovers

 node entrance- (above ground)

 jail cell area

walkway near the salt mine, we're going to add some bongo drums and a slug minion drummer


texture fixes too, this is the ground mud texture

We've got a long way to go, but we're definitely getting some progress and feedback from our mentors. I did some quick paintovers but didn't spend too long perfecting them for sake of actually working and fixing the problems.

Environment Concepts- Node 2

 captured mushroom jail cell

 Walkways of thorns and cave stalagmites

Hatchery- Slugs
I've been also helping with the environment concepts of our node as well as characters. The basic idea of our node is to defeat the corruption of the slugs and Boss Slicklime and freeing the mushrooms that have been captured.

Character Concepts- Node 2

Last Quarter's node was a huge success, we got the go-ahead from our mentors to present our final node at SOE. This term we're continuing on our first node into a slime cave with some of the same fungal motif. This node will feature tribal-looking slugs and snails that are the cause of infection and the player must defeat them with salt you will acquire throughout the node and a salt mine area.